So, everyone told you that bleaching would remove the mold altogether? Then let us inform you, it is one of the biggest pieces of misinformation out there. Bleach does not clear mold! The chemicals in the bleach when you apply on the surface will clean up the mold, but not completely. These chemicals will only end up causing more mold growth. The bleach’s water will seep into the surface and provide ample room for mold growth. When you want your mold to go forever, the best option is to call the mold remediation specialists from Palm Beach Restoration Company
You need a professional when:
The mold growth area stretches more than 3 sq. meter
Your family at home gets sick often
Certain areas in your property are damp
Mold comes repeatedly even after cleaning up
You don’t know where the mold is hidden
There is an undetected and unchecked leak which could cause mold formation